What would you do if you could do anything?

The world is getting smaller and more connected.  But not small enough. That’s why Shrinkify is maximizing the possibilities of possibility by minimizing everything.  It’s why we built a shrink ray and this WordPress website.

Want to take over, I mean “take on” the world?


Choose a domain.

First, you’re going to need the right domain. Something that tells the world what you’re all about.


Shrinkify_Stills-screenPick a design.

Next you’ll need a design that really puts your vision on display. There are literally thousands of these things.



Set up a store.

You’re also going to want to set up a store to sell all sorts of stuff in all sorts of sizes. Tiny memorabilia, tiny sandwiches, or normal-sized novelty socks.

Sometimes big things start small

Maximize the possibilities of possibility with a website builder built for big things.

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